Kosoku (姑息 - Temporizing/Cowardly)

Nov 30, 2017 10:42
Today I'd like to introduce the Japanese word "kosoku" (姑息), but you need to pay attention when using this word.

Because over 70 percent of Japanese people (around 90 percent of young Japanese people) used this word in a wrong meaning.

The "ko" (姑) means "a while" and the "soku" (息) means "break/rest," so "kosoku" means "temporizing" or "makeshift."

However, these days, "kosoku" is used to mean "cowardly."

It's thought that the reason is because cowards tend to do makeshift acts, or the sound is similar to "koshaku" (小癪), which means "annoying."

Since too many people have misused this word, I think that in the near future, "kosoku" will include two different meanings officially.






No. 1 Aaron's correction
  • Today I'd like to introduce the Japanese word "kosoku" (姑息), but you need to pay attention when using this word.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Because over 70 percent of Japanese people (around 90 percent of young Japanese people) used this word in a wrong meaning.
  • Because over 70 percent of Japanese people (around 90 percent of young Japanese people) use this word in a wrong meaning.
  • The "ko" (姑) means "a while" and the "soku" (息) means "break/rest," so "kosoku" means "temporizing" or "makeshift."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, these days, "kosoku" is used to mean "cowardly."
  • However, these days, "kosoku" means "cowardly."
  • It's thought that the reason is because cowards tend to do makeshift acts, or the sound is similar to "koshaku" (小癪), which means "annoying."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since too many people have misused this word, I think that in the near future, "kosoku" will include two different meanings officially.
  • Since too many people have misused this word, I think that in the near future, "kosoku" will officially include two different meanings.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)